AA Smartfuel discounts - Current Promotions
KanPrint FULLY Managed Printing solution
ABTRON, in association with FujiXerox and Flexirent are pleased to be able to offer our KanPrint Managed Print Services, on a range of FujiXerox Printers.
Until the end of September AA Smartfuel Members will recieve additional Smartfuel Discounts these FujiXerox printers purchased on our KanPrint Plan:-
CM305DF 100 CPL
CM405DF 200 CPL
DocuPrint CM505 da, Phaser 6700DN and DocuPrint C5005 400 CPL .
Additionally you will receive the normal Cents per Litre discounts that are paid MONTHY, for the term of the contract.
What is KanPrint? details here
Payment Protection option details.
Contact us NOW to find out how we can improve your printing productivity.
"No-Excuses" Online DATA Backup
Until the end of September 2013 AA Smartfuel Members will receive 150 Cents per Litre Discount on sign up to our No-Excuses Online DATA Backup Solution.
What is "No-Excuses" Online DATA Backup? This is ABTRON's Online Backup solution of ALL your valuable DATA files.
What would happen if your Server/PC/Laptop failed and you needed to restore your Data from your last Backup. How confident are you that ALL your Data was captured by that Backup and that you can Restore it without the loss of ANY data? How long has it been since you did a Backup? Can you easily recreate all data that has been lost since the backup was taken?
ABTRON have created a cost effective Online Backup Solutions to ensure you have a reliable backup solution, and it is done reguralry.
From as little as 20 CENTs per backup, we take the chore of doing backup, we will do it regularly and check it.
Our Online Backup Solutions gives you superior Data Loss prevention, by enabling you to have backups undertaken during the day (without interruption to business) along with daily offsite, and the ability to easily go back to the files created in the last 2 years or longer.
Contact us NOW to find out how we can improve your productivity.