KANTAN and KanPrint Managed Print Services
ABTRON are pleased to be able to offer Managed Print Services on a range of FujiXerox Printers.
A Managed Print environment is where you pay on a cents per page basis and someone else manages all the consumables for your printer.
KANTAN Print Solutions
KANTAN is Japanese for Easy and with our KANTAN Managed Print solution we make it Easy for you.
Our KANTAN Managed Print service is a service whereby we proactively manage all the consumable items for your printer ie Toner, Drums etc, ensuring that you are never unable to print because you need more toner or a drum etc.
We bill you on a monthly basis for the number of Black or Colour pages you use, not the number of Toners or Drums you purchase.
The price you pay is fixed for the term of the contract.
AA Smartfuel Rewards accrue on KANTAN Managed print solutions.
KanPrint - Fully Managed Printing
KanPrint as opposed to can’t Print.
Our KanPrint Fully Managed Print Solution is the only true fully managed print solution available.
How often are you unable to print? Out of paper, out of toner, need a drum etc? How much time and effort (therefore cost) is required to manage your printers and supplies?
KanPrint is our solution to this. With KanPrint we proactively manage your entire printing requirement.
For a fixed monthly fee we supply the Printer, Installation, Consumables (Tonor, Drums etc), Repairs and even PAPER!
The advantages of this over conventional printing are enormous and include:-
Minimal Printing Management – just time to replace toners, drums, paper etc.
Simplified billing and Ordering – one bill, one payment. NO ORDERING.
Simplified approval cycle– no requirement to have PO numbers raised approved and paid everytime you need a ream of paper or toner cartridge.
Never run out of supplies - we will ensure you have spare Paper, Drums, toner etc in your office ready for when they are needed you will never be unable to print because of insufficient supplies.
Fixed cost – smooth cashflow and no bill shock when you need to order several consumables at one time.
All you need do is Print, we supply and manage the rest.
KanPrint - Pricing Plans
XS Small Medium Large XL
Month Usage 500 1,000 2,000 3,500 5,000
Mono P355d P355d P355d 3435DN 340A
Brochure Brochure Brochure Brochure Brochure
Colour CP305d CP305d CP305d CP405d CP405d
Multi-Function CM305df CM305df CM305df CM405df CM405df
Brochure Brochure Brochure Brochure Brochure
Small Medium Large XL
Month Usage 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Mono 340A 4620DN 4620DN 4620DN
Brochure Brochure Brochure Brochure
Colour CP405d QUBE 8870 QUBE 8870 QUBE 8870
Multi-Function CM405df CM505da CM505da CM505da
Brochure Brochure Brochure Brochure
Price Includes
- Printer
- Initial Installation
- Paper - including Freight
- Consumables (Drums, Toner etc) - Including Freight
- Servicing (repairs)
Options available
- Mono Print Only
- Large Fromat Printing - A3, A2, A1 and A0 Mono or Colour
- Printer options e.g. additional bins, duplex, finisher units etc
- 2, 4, and 5 year terms
- Ongoing Support Plans
Terms & Conditions:-
- Term - 36 Months
- Printing based on 85% Black and 15% Colour pages
- A3 Printing is considered 2 A4 pages. A3 paper not supplied, 2 A4 Pages substituted
- Prices quoted EXCLUDE GST
- Over usage - calculated and billed 6 monthly
- Excess coverage charges may apply
- Subject to FujiXerox Printer warranty T&C and Flexirent Lease T&C
- Excludes non-warranty repair costs and post installation support
- Early Termination charges may apply
- Some courier charges for Paper deliveries outside Auckland may apply
- Pricing, Terms and Conditions subject to change without notice
AA Smartfuel Rewards accrue on these plans.
Contact us to find out how we can improve your printing productivity.