KanPrint FULLY Managed Print Services
Can’t Print – again?
Again this week we have received urgent calls from clients for consumables for their printer, as they have run out and can’t print.
We can fix these issues with our KanPrint Full Managed Print solution.
Like these clients how often are you unable to print? Out of paper, Tonor, need a drum etc? How much time and effort (therefore cost) is required by you or your staff to manage your printers and supplies?
KanPrint is our solution to this. With KanPrint we proactively manage your entire printing requirement. Whether you have one printer in one office using only 500 pages per month, or have multiple printers in offices all over New Zealand, using 20,000 or more pages per month, KanPrint takes the printing issues away.
For a fixed monthly fee we supply the Printer, Installation, Consumables (Tonor, Drums etc), Repairs and even PAPER!
The advantages of this over conventional printing are enormous and include:-
Minimal Printing Management – just time to replace tonors, drums, paper etc.
Simplified billing and Ordering – one bill, one payment. NO ORDERING.
Simplified approval cycle– no requirement to have PO numbers raised approved and paid everytime you need a ream of paper or tonor cartridge.
Never run out of supplies - we will ensure you have spare Paper, Drums, Tonor etc in your office ready for when they are needed you will never be unable to print because of insufficient supplies.
Fixed cost – smooth cashflow and no bill shock when you need to order several consumables at one time.
All you need do is Print, we supply and manage the rest.
Contact us to find out how we can improve your printing productivity.